Bedroom and Sexual Makeover Techniques for a Playful Sex

By Gary | published: 08/10/16

Couple in bed

Most of the couples try the same old technique in bed and slowly sex becomes less interesting for them. Probably it's a habit that needs a change. There are a huge number of things associated with the bedroom. One can't change everything at a time. But, the basic things like, bedroom atmosphere, appearance, sex positions, the use of new tools etc. can be taken into consideration. Bedroom makeover is the primary consideration before the act. It is innovative and interesting for both the male and female partner

Sexual Makeover

Prior to the sexual makeover, one can watch free porn videos in order to learn the new sex techniques and sex moves, It's a good idea to be playful in bed, but the latest changes need to be applied for best results. Now, let's have a look at the sparkling ideas that creates the desire for a playful and adventurous sex

Bedroom Makeover

Bedroom makeover


Mild light creates a strong desire for sex. Adding a dim light to the bedroom will create a beautiful and charming feel. It also helps in creating a romantic atmosphere that lasts throughout the night

Bed sheet and Flower

It may not be the first night. But, the use of quality bed sheet and fresh flower creates an atmosphere as if the couple is enjoying their first night. For a sensual feeling, a high thread count sheet or velvet one sits well. Similarly, rose can be used on the bed for a fresh and romantic feeling.

Sex Toys

Toys are a great way to make the act more playful. Dildos, vibrators, etc. can be used for a sensational feeling. Similarly, lubes are also helpful while making anal sex


Humans are creative and always attracted towards the beautiful things. The dress is a vital tool for sexual arousal. Before the play, both the male and female partner can wear the sexy night wear that attracts the sense organs. Silky and slippery dresses are good for the girls. Similarly, cute shorts are ideal for the boys

Foreplay Using the Toys

Foreplay activates the sensual desire. An active and creative lovemaking leads to the successful climax. The toys can be used for creating that high desire. Under the mild light, both can start with a drink or some fruits to create the romantic situation and then the dildos can be used for further enjoyment

Sex Pose

month of sex positions

Apart from the regular doggy pose, missionary pose, etc. both can try some new kind of tricks for better enjoyment. Both can watch free Porn, videos for the latest moves and techniques

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